ADD and ADHD is typically described as a problem with inattentiveness, lack of concentration, hyperactivity, impulsivity and/or combination. The ability to “pay attention” requires a complex system of brain networks. Using the BH Pyramid of neurological progression, you can see that attention and regulation are dependent upon the foundation of the central nervous system specifically rooted in sensory organization.

Without a solid foundation at the lower more primitive levels of the nervous system, including vestibular, reflex and vision system maturity, it is easy to understand why the individual can not attend. Compounding the issues is other disorders share similar symptoms with sleep, anxiety disorders, depression as well as learning disorders. Patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity includes:

  • Has trouble holding attention on tasks and play activities

  • Has trouble organizing, avoids or reluctant to do tasks that require mental effort over long periods of time

  • Often loses things necessary for tasks and activities

  • Often forgetful

  • Makes careless mistakes in school, work, at work or other activities.

  • Hyperactive/impulsive characteristics include: often “on-the-go”, talks excessively, blurts out answers before a question has been completed, often leaves seat when being seated is expected, has trouble waiting their turn, often interrupts others, fidgeting.

Treatment for ADD/ADHD requires a 5 step plan of care to treat the root cause of the inattention at a brain stem and cerebellum level (see below).


Our proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care is based on proven protocols, therapeutic activities, with over 20 years and 250,000+ hours of combined clinical practice.

Most importantly, our 5-Step Plan of Care is completely tailored to your unique challenges, needs, and goals. 

So you can get the personalized care you (or your child) needs to achieve the outcomes you need. 

Testimonials, Podcasts, and Success Story Videos


Jennifer, and FDN and health coach, was trying a variety of things to help her son with his ADHD. Reese, and smart young boy, was hyperactive, had trouble processing his emotions, and would frequently get into trouble. After starting the Safe and Sound protocol, Jennifer saw immense improvements in Reese.

“Right after we did safe and sound I noticed huge changes. I guess I didn’t realize how big the sensory issue part was. I knew he had some sensory issues because he had been in OT, I just thought ADHD was more the thing, but after doing that and seeing the calmness that I never seen him have, that was really eye opening for me.”

Lack of Work Focus, Anxiety, High Stress, Panic Attacks and Executive Function

Steppie had stress to the point of barely functioning, in a constant state of fight-or-flight, loss of focus on work, anxiety so intense she couldn't even see the world around her, and panic attacks in the middle of the night. After working with Brain Harmony, she says she could focus on work for hours at a time, see the simple beauty around her on her walks, and sleep through the night. Watch her testimonial above, to hear the joy in her voice as she reflects on her before - and her after.

“You’ll have so many personal rewards because of it…Brain Harmony is so supportive and so caring, they’ll help you have a life back.”

ADD, Academic Struggles and Anxiety

Grant struggled with ADD, focus, nervousness, and anxiety for most of his life - preventing him from enjoying life to the fullest and performing at his peak potential at school. After working with Brain Harmony, Grant has achieved AB Honor Roll, has become more affectionate, and has tapped into his new found love for creative writing.

"Anxiety wise - before, I'd just get panic attacks just.. thinking about the future and how it's going to affect me. But now I've just been thinking about now." - Grant

"You have absolutely nothing to lose. No matter where you're at mentally, you have room to improve always. And it can be life-changing if you'll just give it a shot." - Grant's Mom

Dyslexia, Auditory Processing, Sensory Processing, Attention & Regulation

Kerry is a Homeschool Mom of 8. All of her children have been diagnosed with mild to severe dyslexia. Since beginning her journey with Brain Harmony,  she has seen immense progress in her children’s reading levels, communication, attention and emotional regulation, and processing. 

“We have tried so much over the years, and so many different programs, and this has made the biggest difference… it has made a huge difference in a short amount of time, so I would definitely highly recommend it.”

Attention & Regulation Success

When David first came to Brain Harmony he was anxious, very distracted and awkward.  He was treated with conventional occupational therapy in a large health system for over two years however he had not seen any improvements in handwriting, academics nor his nervous energy. 

"He used to be my problem child who struggled in school especially reading and writing.  Now he is my A/B, honor-roll child who unexpectedly became the quarterback of his football team.  My son is the self-confident child I always wanted him to be.  Thank you, Brain Harmony!"

 - David's Mother


What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • The technology Brain Harmony uses to reorganize and structure the brain

  • Carol’s hypothesis as to why she’s seeing a rise in children struggling with speech and neurological disorders

  • What neuroplasticity means and how our brain uses it to adapt

  • The role of the vestibular system in brain balance

  • Genetic and lifestyle factors contributing to brain disorders, and how to identify them

  • The Safe & Sound Protocol and how it activates the vagus nerve to help learning and attention problems

  • Non-invasive techniques for activating a child’s ability to hear, speak, or read

  • Advances in the brain science frontier that could help symptoms of stroke, Parkinson’s, and other brain-centered issues

  • Why someone with MTHFR might be a candidate for Brain Harmony

  • Natural ways to calm the nervous system… without a prescription

  • Some heart-to-heart advice for the overwhelmed caregiver

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

Neurological, behavioral and developmental disorders like PTSD, anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, TBI, and Parkinson’s are most often treated with pharmaceuticals.

But, that isn’t always an appropriate or sustainable option, especially for children.

Carol Garner-Houston, co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Brain Harmony, has created a non-pharmaceutical treatment option that can start to take effect in just five days. Neuroplastic tools such as bone conduction and sound frequency can be used to make changes in the brain.

Her bottom-up approach uses audio frequencies to pinpoint different parts of brain, stimulate them, and build connections to improve cognitive functions.

Listen as Carol joins Dr. Taz to discuss how brain functions can be improved through telemedicine.

Tired of making little to no gains with traditional therapy?

Contact us today to learn how Brain Harmony can help you.

Faster Stronger Smarter