Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) / Post-Concussive Syndrome


A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can occur when a head injury causes damage to the brain. Approximately 3.5 million people in the US sustain these types of severe brain injuries each year, with 2% of the US population living with TBI-related disabilities. At 3 to 5 years post-injury, 60% of those with moderate to severe injuries have not returned to pre-injury levels of their major activity (e.g., work, school) and leisure and recreation, and 45% report difficulties in social integration. We provide concussion treatment to lesson symptoms.

Symptoms of TBI may include:

  • Vomiting or nausea

  • Neck pain

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Convulsions or seizures

  • Slurred speech

  • Weakness in extremities

  • Dilated eye pupils

  • Inability to wake up

  • Loss of senses

  • Changes in emotions

  • Changes in language

  • Changes in thought processes

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Occupational therapy practitioners play a key role in reducing long-term disability from TBI by facilitating participation in everyday activities, areas of occupation, and social roles. Knowing how to best provide therapy services is of paramount importance to clinicians working with this complex population. The aim of this review is to assist occupational therapy practitioners in making informed decisions regarding multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary treatment approaches to improve everyday activities/ areas of occupation and social participation after TBI.

Testimonials & Success Stories

PTSD, TBI, Stress Sleep, Emotional Dysregulation

Richard is a Veteran who came to us feeling "Crippling anxiety, extremely short fuse, almost ADHD-like symptoms of difficulty focusing. I would be extremely short-fused and the smallest things would set me off in conversation. I would fly off the handle and shut down. That alone would lead to sleepless nights or an increase in my side effects from PTSD and constant worry."

After working with us, Richard shared, "I started to notice a change in how I approach my thought patterns. Where previously things would seem just overwhelming on even the most minute scale, they were fitting together like a better puzzle. And I was able to take a step back and really assess the situation in a better light…it is a very dynamic process and it’s working."

Listen to his story above.

Post-Concussive Syndrome

After a traumatic car accident, Kim was diagnosed with Post Concussive Syndrome. Brain Harmony’s Unique Methods Dramatically Catapulted Her Healing Journey and Cognitive Repair.

“Very few people I felt like were taking me seriously. And so, I came up out of a hit of feeling like I was alone and I’m just sinking and drowning and drowning because there’s something going on in my mind, something’s going on in my vision, something’s going on in my hearing, something’s going on in my coordination - something’s going on in all of these cognitive functions that are not right. And Brain Harmony restored that.”

Apraxia, Legally Blind, Sensory Processing, Hypotonic and ADLs

At 4 months old Sam got Hemiparesis which delayed all of his motor functions. At 10 he had encephalitis which wiped out his speech. He tried many different therapies with less than successful results. When he started with Brain Harmony, his speech, motor functions, and anxiety levels improved almost immediately. The best part was that after all of the bad experiences from the many other therapies he tried, Brain Harmony was the first therapy that Sam actually enjoyed. 

“It’s a win win for everyone and it’s so profound when you get to see how something that seems so simple, after all the things I’ve done with Sam, everything under the sun, when you see something like this that is so beautiful and so simple and works at the root of the problem, it’s so gratifying that you can be giving your child something that makes them feel good.”

Post-Concussive Syndrome

Jen is a mother of 2 kids, with a concussion incurred in 2019, when she slipped on ice. She couldn't even talk on the phone when we first started our therapy because the sound of voices coming through the receiver was so overwhelming, neurologically. She also had stopped leaving her house and felt terrible that she wasn't able to take her kids to practices or out for fun activities. Once she started working with us and the listening protocols we designed specifically for her, she reported on her therapy call to us the other day to say "My neurologist is amazed!" Not only can she now drive her kids to the playground, but she re-framed a doorway in her home, requiring bending over, reaching, planning, and balance! She is so excited to "have her life back."

Susan was 60 years old when she sustained a brain stem injury in a car accident.  Since the accident she was unable to tolerate noisy or crowded environments.  She also had trouble with her balance and coordination.  "Thank you!  I feel like myself again!  I am now able to attend church, go to restaurants and attend meetings.  My balance has improved tremendously and I am now taking Zumba classes!" - Susan

Glenn had 4 strokes that left him unable to do much. His speech had turned to mumbles that were hard to understand, he had become incontinent, drooled constantly and spent most of his time sitting in his chair at home.  Glenn’s wife reports that, “everything is going well. Glenn wrote on his iPad during our last Brain Harmony call that he feels better and can think more clearly. I am so encouraged. During our last meeting with his psychologist, the doctor said that Glenn is ‘light years above other patients.’ He is able to keep more eye contact and able to do things more quickly and easily. After 6 months with Brain Harmony, Glenn is walking, talking in sentences, and going out in public. Even better, he is taking initiative. He even started the laundry today!”

“I was in a car accident resulting in a TBI.  I had trouble with short term memory, difficulty coming up with words, inability to focus and my balance was off for over a year.  I struggled immensely until I tried Brain Harmony’s home program.  Even my chiropractor could not believe the improvements.  Thank you Brain Harmony!”

— Lana Garner, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Co-founder, Docs Outside The Box


Tired of making little to no gains with traditional therapy?

Contact us today to learn how Brain Harmony can help you.

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