
Dyslexia Is a condition which affects reading and language-based processing skills. The severity can range from minor to extreme for each individual, but can impact fluency, reading comprehension, memory and recall, decoding, spelling, writing, and sometimes speech. The adage “we read with our ears” holds much truth, but is often ignored in reading programs. Decoding and phonemic awareness requires efficient processing and storage of auditory information. Our programs train the auditory channel for efficiency and accuracy through repeated listening and movement sessions. 

With our dyslexia treatment, the goal is to activate the relevant neuronal connections and ultimately train the ear and the brain to analyze and process language frequencies simultaneous to movement (replicating daily life where our visual and auditory systems are expected to be simultaneously functional).

Symptoms of dyslexia may include:

  • Slow reading

  • Difficulty spelling

  • Evident disparity between listening comprehension and reading comprehension

  • Difficulty with word recall and written language

  • Decoding errors, especially with order of letters

  • Trouble with handwriting

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Our proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care is based on proven protocols, therapeutic activities, with over 20 years and 250,000+ hours of combined clinical practice.

Most importantly, our 5-Step Plan of Care is completely tailored to your unique challenges, needs, and goals. 

So you can get the personalized care you (or your child) needs to achieve the outcomes you need. 

Testimonials & Success Stories


Isaac struggled to learn how to read right off the bat. Melissa took him for multiple screenings, where her suspicions were confirmed - Isaac was diagnosed with severe dyslexia. While Melissa altered her teaching approach, she still felt as though Isaac needed more support to progress and advance at the level she envisioned for him to reach his potential. 

“In my mind, for him to be able to really fully understand what he’s reading out loud is huge… I’m very happy with how it’s going - very happy.”

Dyslexia, Auditory Processing, Sensory Processing, Attention & Regulation

Kerry is a Homeschool Mom of 8. All of her children have been diagnosed with mild to severe dyslexia. Since beginning her journey with Brain Harmony,  she has seen immense progress in her children’s reading levels, communication, attention and emotional regulation, and processing. 

“We have tried so much over the years, and so many different programs, and this has made the biggest difference… it has made a huge difference in a short amount of time, so I would definitely highly recommend it.”

“As a Grandma, I am eternally grateful for the intervention provided to my granddaughter with severe dyslexia. After completing the training, her reading skills skyrocketed. Now, two years later she is thriving in regular school making all B's.  As a physician, learning about the scientific basis for their therapies opened up the amazing field of neuroplasticity to me. For that I am also grateful.” - Dr Barbara Bourland

"This is going really great!" Mom gave her son a birthday card to write in for a family member. Mom reports he usually just signs his name or draws a picture. This time when he gave his mom the card, there were 3 sentences written in it.  Mom and her son then had an open conversation about his punctuation. Mom reports that her son is reading really well these days; he and mom read together every day. "He has had a lot of success". He is taking more accountability and pride for things. "He is taking more ownership in how he factors in what will happen". Mom reports that he has moved through the 4th grade workbook and is almost done with his 5th grade workbook!

Lorlai hated reading and would have tantrums before going to school.  She was eventually diagnosed with Dyslexia and the only treatment options were expensive tutors or private schools.  Neither school nor traditional therapy made a difference. 

"Just the other day, I found Lorelai reading a book quietly in her room, which is something she never did before.  Not only is she reading them, but she can narrate the stories back to me, which means she's processing the information!  I cannot thank Brain Harmony enough!" - Lorelai's Father

Tired of making little to no gains with traditional therapy?

Contact us today to learn how Brain Harmony can help you.

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