
At Brain Harmony, we have award winning programs to treat complex trauma in both children and adults including physical, emotional, medical, chemical, and sexual trauma. Frequently trauma is often accompanied by mood changes, depression, substance abuse, or one or more other anxiety disorders

When you are suffering, it is valid, you are important but most importantly, you can break the trauma cycle.  

Because the causes and symptoms of trauma are so unique to every person, Brain Harmony offers treatment for trauma resolution in a unique way, working with the neuroplasticity of the brain, the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), and specializing it to each individual. 

Ours is very different than traditional methods like talk therapy, cognitive therapy, or medications, as those ultimately don’t change the response of the brain and nervous system. Additionally, medication can also cause varying side effects that sometimes become their own issues, sometimes even exacerbating the pain, without addressing the root causes. 

Events that may lead to trauma include, but are not limited to: war, combat, crime, violent personal assaults, natural or human-caused disasters, and other forms of abuse - emotional, verbal, physical or otherwise. Trauma can also be caused by high-stress events like death of a loved one, or a horrible car accident. For first responders and our military, their jobs expose them to chronic trauma by caregiving for others during their trauma. Unfortunately, exposure to events like these is common, and it’s very natural to feel the effects of it long afterward. (*)

People who experience consistent, frightening memories of the event(s), triggers from non-related events that lead back to the event itself, sleep issues, isolation, or may be easily startled can be considered to have PTSD. And in its most severe forms, PTSD can significantly impair a person's ability to simply function: at work, at home, and socially. 

Warning Signs of Unresolved Trauma:

  • Negative thoughts and feelings, including distorted beliefs about oneself or others

  • Ongoing fear, guilt, shame, or other negative feelings and association

  • Detachment from others

  • Angry outbursts, recklessness, self-destructiveness

  • Difficulty concentrating or sleeping

  • Social Anxiety

  • Feeling Stuck in Fight or Flight, Freeze or Fawn

  • Strong Startle Response

  • Cognitive Changes like poor memory and learning

  • Inability to care for self or others

  • Withdrawal, isolation

  • Poor Intimacy

  • Failure to Thrive

  • Intrusive thoughts, involuntary memories

Not only is there HOPE for healing unresolved trauma, we TREAT the underlying neural structures of the human body and brain to rewire out of the disabling states of trauma so you can access optimal health and vitality. 


Trauma Therapy

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Our proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care is based on proven protocols, therapeutic activities, with over 20 years and 250,000+ hours of combined clinical practice.

Most importantly, our 5-Step Plan of Care is completely tailored to your unique challenges, needs, and goals. 

So you can get the personalized care you (or your child) needs to achieve the outcomes you need. 


Complex Trauma and Social Anxiety

Growing up with complex trauma, Kirk had extreme difficulties with communication, anxiety, and managing everyday tasks. After researching Polyvagal theory and discovering Brain Harmony’s protocols, Kirk was excited about the prospect of a program that has helped those who were non verbal their whole life begin to speak. He began the Safe and Sound Protocol and soon realized it would allow him to unlock the life he had always imagined for himself.

“Growing up with complex trauma is just beyond any ability to communicate, and especially in the past few months, I’m comfortable enough with myself that I don’t mind another person seeing whatever happens to come up in the course of a conversation, and that would have almost been science fiction to me a couple of years ago.”

Sleep, Focus, and Cognitive Function

Mark has suffered from sleep, attention, and mental clarity issues for years. After only a few weeks of trauma therapy he was able to sleep through the night, stop the use of his sleep and attention deficit medication, and regain the energy and mental clarity he needs to stay sharp through his intensive work week. He has even built stronger connections with his family.

“Getting a good night sleep is everything to me so it has changed my life that way. My energy is higher than if I was on caffeine, my mental clarity is much much more improved, and I can only chalk it up to this treatment that I have been on with you in the last couple of weeks. It’s wild.”


If you or your loved one is in need of therapy for trauma, we want to help. Book a free consultation today and begin to discover the ideal method & protocol for your unique needs.